
A deadly fuzz of pollution, creaking wastewater infrastructure, trash, illegal construction, poorly planned urbanization, incremental habitat loss, overfishing, climate change, non-natural fires, deforestation, erosion, wetland degradation, and invasive species have been afflicting the sumptuous habitats of UNESCO Lake Ohrid and National Park Galichica for several years.

Many of these link directly or indirectly to the tourism industry, whose badly implemented expansion has coincided with a gradual deterioration in the Ohrid region’s natural resources. Added to these dangers, several mega-projects have been announced in recent years, including infrastructure for rail, road and boats, but also large resorts such as a ski-center.

After pressure from UNESCO, international scientists, local citizens and NGOs such as Ohrid SOS, several of these plans have now been cancelled. Nonetheless, dangers still lurk and the situation can change very fast.

Click on the map icons above or see a project-by-project rundown — including current danger-status — here.


03 јули 2019: Меѓународната унија заштита на природата (IUCN) препорачува Охридскиот Регион да биде ставен на Листата на светско наследство во опасност.


Експертите за култура од Меѓународен совет за споменици и локалитети (ICOMOS) веруваат дека Охридскиот Регион во Македонија ги исполнува критериумите на прогласување на светско наследство во опасност.


03 јули 2019: На 43та седница на Комитетот за светско наследство во Баку, Центарот за светско наследство на УНЕСКО имаше мошне критичко излагање за состојбата со заштитата на природното и културното наследство на Охридскиот Регион. Еве ја изјавата во целост:

The Ohrid Deceit

JUL 2019: Betrayal of the Ohrid region by Macedonia and the World Heritage Committee.


JUL 2019: UNESCO World Heritage Centre explains its opinion that Ohrid is World Heritage in Danger.


JUL 2019: ICOMOS recommends placement of Ohrid Region on List of World Heritage in Danger.


IUCN speaks to World Heritage Committee on threats to Lake Ohrid.

Што значи да се има УНЕСКО светско наследство и што губиме

Статусот Светско наследство на УНЕСКО е најпрестижната титула што едно подрачје или локалитет може да ја добие.

Danger Listing

UNESCO World Heritage Centre considers the Ohrid region to be World Heritage in Danger.


Fish kill in Studenchishte Canal.

Sateska’s Return

Why Macedonia’s River Sateska is slowly becoming a River of Death.

Ohrid SOS: UNESCO Report

Ohrid SOS has delivered robust evidence of environmental mismanagement to the UNESCO Reactive Monitoring Mission team.

Noise, Pollution, Damage

INTERVIEW: Dr. Martin Pusch of Berlin’s Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology & Inland Fisheries talks marinas with Ohrid SOS.

To the New MK Government

Macedonia’s world-class nature needs protection. 13 orgs tell Macedonian authorities how to start.

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